Web Application Security

Advanced Web Application Security Testing Service will keep you safe from security risks.

Overview : Web Application Security Testing

Web application security testing is the process of simulating a hacker-style attack on your web app in order to detect and analyze security vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit. Web applications are critical to business success and an appealing target for cybercriminals. Web application security testing is the proactive identification of vulnerabilities in applications, such as those that could result in the loss of sensitive user and financial information.



A comprehensive approach to performing penetration tests that not only finds security vulnerabilities but also business logic vulnerabilities, as well as security checklists based on industry standards such as OWASP10, SANS25, OSSTMM, and so on. Kratikal provides on-premises and off-premises application security services with the following roadmap, based on years of experience across application threat surfaces such as online, mobile, and cloud.

Types of Testing -

Black Box, often referred to as behavioral testing or external testing, is a form of software testing technique wherein no prior knowledge of the internal code structure, implementation specifics, or internal routes of an application is necessary. It focuses on the application’s input and output and is entirely dependent on the specifications and requirements for the software.

Gray box testing, which combines black box and white box testing, is a software testing approach used to test an application while only having a general understanding of its core code. It searches for and identifies context-specific errors that the application’s poor code structure has produced.

White Box testing examines a software’s underlying structure, coding, and architecture in order to validate the input-output flow and improve the application’s design, security, and utility. Testing of this kind is sometimes referred to as internal testing, clear box testing, open box testing, or glass box testing because testers can see the code.

Our Approach

Reconnaissance, or information collection, is one of the most crucial responsibilities of an web application security testing. The first stage of a web application security testing is all about learning as much as you can about the target application. Several instances of testing Perform search engine reconnaissance and discovery to look for information leaks, enumerate apps, and fingerprint apps. Find the entry point for the application.

Nearly as crucial as performing application security testing is comprehending the deployed configuration of the server or infrastructure that runs the web application. Despite the diversity of application platforms, a number of fundamental platform setup difficulties, such as how an unsecured programme can infect the server (insecure HTTP methods, old/backup files), can put the application in risk. TLS Security, App Platform Configuration, File Extension Handling, and Cross Site Tracing are a few examples. HTTP methods, file permissions, and strong transport security are all put to the test.


Authentication is the process of attempting to confirm the sender of a communication’s digital identity. The most prevalent illustration of such a process is the log-on process. Testing the authentication schema requires knowledge of how the authentication procedure operates and use of that knowledge to subvert the authentication mechanism. Poor lockout mechanisms, circumventing authentication schemes, browser cache vulnerabilities, and inadequate authentication in other channels are a few examples.

Session management is the collective term for any controls in charge of overseeing a user’s stateful activity with the web application they are using. Everything from user authentication to the general logout process is included here. A few instances include session fixation, cross-site request forgery, cookie management, session timeout, and testing the functionality of the logout process.

Since authorization comes after successful authentication, the pen tester will validate this after establishing that they have authentic credentials linked to a clear-cut set of roles and privileges. Insecure direct object references, privilege escalation, and getting around permission rules are a few examples. Permission testing requires comprehending the operation of the authorization system and using that understanding to circumvent it.

Our Clients

Web application penetration testing is a security assessment that identifies vulnerabilities in web apps to prevent unauthorized access or data breaches.

By threats we mean the known threats from which we are defending our system from, on the other side, vulnerabilities are the lack points that are found in the system that can infect our system data and web application penetration testing checklist.

Cyber Security means practice of defending systems, information, data from various types of attacks. These risks can be malwares, ransomwares, trojans and much more.

Cyber Security is important for eradicating risks and threats to make the data safe and secure. It is a good practice to remove the errors and increase the functioning of the system by applying security postures.

The best security testing tools for web application which can be used are as:

  • SQLMap
  • W3af
  • Wapiti
  • SonarQube
  • Arachni
  • Grabber
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