Network Penetration

Alerting Today for a Safe Tomorrow

What is Network Penetration Testing?

Network penetration testing, also known as network pen testing, is a comprehensive and systematic process designed to simulate real-world cyberattacks on a network to identify and assess its security vulnerabilities. This type of testing is crucial for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of a network’s security posture and for improving its resilience against potential threats and attacks.

Why do organizations need Network Penetration Testing?

Organizations need network penetration testing for several critical reasons. Firstly, it helps identify vulnerabilities in their networks, systems, and applications. By simulating real-world attacks, penetration testing uncovers security weaknesses before malicious actors can exploit them. This proactive approach allows organizations to fix these vulnerabilities, thereby strengthening their overall security posture.

Preventing data breaches is another key reason for penetration testing. By identifying potential entry points that attackers could use to access sensitive data, organizations can take measures to protect this data, thereby safeguarding their reputation and avoiding costly consequences such as legal penalties and loss of customer trust.

Penetration testing also helps organizations mee


Benefits of Network Penetration Testing.

Our Approach

The client’s scope must be clearly defined before an application assessment can be conducted. At this point, open dialogue between the company and the client is recommended in order to build a secure platform upon which to conduct assessments.

At this step, a variety of OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) tools is used and tactics to gather as much data as they can on the target. The gathered data will help us comprehend how the relationship functions, which will enable us to precisely assess the risk as the engagement develops.

At this point, we combine computerized resources and tools with various data collection methods to create more advanced data. Any potential attack vectors are carefully examined by our experts. In the following step, the acquired data from this stage will serve as the foundation for its application.

To uncover all potential attack paths and vulnerabilities, we launch both a manual and an automated security scan in this step. In order to assess the application’s security, we then execute exploits against it. For a high degree of penetration, we employ several techniques, open-source scripts, and internal tools. To secure your application and its data, all of these are carefully carried out.


This is the last step in the entire assessment procedure. This stage involves gathering all acquired data, analyzing it, and providing the client with a complete, comprehensive breakdown of our results. A comprehensive analysis of all the hazards will be included in the full report, and the final report will also list all the application’s strengths and shortcomings.

Strengthen your defences with Lorcam Securities Network Penetration Testing
Cost Saving
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Reduced Outage
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